The Integrative Oasis™ Approach

The mission of Integrative Oasis is to redefine the functional approach to health. When I was ill, so many of my functional medicine doctors would rush through appointments and leave me with a printed list of supplements with little or no guidance. In contrast, my approach is deeply client-centered. I strive to provide clarity on what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and most importantly why we are doing what we are doing. My clients have continuously expressed to me how much they value this clarity.

Functional Assessment:

As an FDN-P, my goal is to help you discover the root cause(s) of your health challenges. In a modern world filled with toxins, there are many hidden stressors that wreak havoc on our bodies. After running labs, I often find that many of my clients are dealing with hidden toxin and pathogen burdens such as heavy metals, mold, and parasites. Many people live their day to day lives with these hidden stressors, unaware of why they’re not able to improve their health. My goal is to help you discover these hidden burdens and then address them in a strategic and comprehensive manner.

Nutritional Coaching:

What is the most optimal diet for health and overall wellbeing? According to Nutritional media the answer to this question changes every season. While there are general principles to good nutrition, the truth is that we are not all built the same. I use tools such as Metabolic Typing and an Ayurvedic Dosha Assessment to help you figure out the most optimal diet for your unique biochemical demands. I believe that figuring out the right fuel for your body is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.

Clinical-Grade Nutraceuticals:

I have found that the strategic use of clinical grade supplements is a vital tool for jumpstarting my clients back to health. Many of my clients are surprised to see the stark difference between commercially available supplements and clinical grade nutraceuticals. Some areas that therapeutic supplements address include —filling nutrient voids, supporting detoxification, reducing inflammation, and rebalancing the microbiome. I strategically guide my clients through supplement interventions making sure that we are addressing their overall health goals in the most effective ways possible. My goal is to simplify the process and get your body back to its natural optimal state –filled with energy, strong digestive fire, and a vigor for life.

Lifestyle Coaching:

My imperative is to coach up function and coach down “Dys-function.” I have found that many of my clients have lifestyle factors that contribute to their dys-functional state of health. The three main tenets of optimizing lifestyle revolve around Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction, and eating habits. I help clients develop a science-backed evening routine to optimize restorative sleep. Furthermore, I often recommend tools such as mind-body exercises, functional training, or micro-workouts. At Integrative Oasis, Stress Reduction goes far beyond mindfulness. My goal is to help clients reduce environmental stressors that are unnecessarily burdening the body’s capacity. Finally, changing eating habits and meal timing are both vital tools for getting my client’s to feeling their very best.

Schedule a free 30 min consult

Before coming to Awais, I had literally seen over ten different doctors for my chronic fatigue syndrome. Awais was the first practitioner to find that my symptoms were caused by hormonal imbalance and weak gut flora. After working with Awais for 6 weeks, I have started going back to the gym for the first time in over five years! I feel better than I have in such a long time and I am extremely grateful for finding Awais!

Veronica, 36
