My Mission

Many of my clients share a similar story. They’re people that are struggling with their health and losing hope. My experience has taught me that once you step outside of mainstream medicine, there is a world of hope.  

Today, it’s my mission to use the restorative art of Functional Medicine and Ayurveda to educate and empower people so that they can forgo their health worries and live their best life.

Initial Diagnosis

My health journey began right when I started college. Out of nowhere, I started to develop mysterious cramps and sensitive pain points all throughout my body. My doctor gave me an assessment and said that I was perfectly healthy- “just rest and ice and you’ll be okay.” I thought that the pain would eventually go away, but the spasms started to increase and eventually spread to other areas of my body.

I started seeing every top chiropractor and pain medicine doctor in the Los Angeles area. I got prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma injections, peptides, cold laser treatments, electro-acupuncture, and a host of other treatments. Nothing helped for more than a few days. My primary care physician said that my bodily pain was “psychologically-induced” and gave me a prescription of anti-depressants and opioid pain killers.

I became depressed and started to accept chronic pain as a part of life.

H. Pylori Infection

Then in 2016, my digestion started to feel really off. The food just wasn’t getting digested and I would get this painful bloating after meals. I had been studying holistic medicine at the time and started using Apple Cider Vinegar. This immediately gave me severe stomach cramps.

I went to the emergency Room and they found that I had an H. Pylori Infection- the bacterial overgrowth that is linked with stomach ulcers. I rejected the course of antibiotics and instead worked with a functional medicine doctor that was able to help me clear the infection with a 6-week herbal regimen.

Even though I had cleared the infection, my digestion still wasn’t that great and I just didn’t feel good. I kept losing weight and felt this strange feeling of being tired and wired at the same time. It was really confusing and the functional medicine doctor I was working with had no idea what could be going on.

After doing my own research and running some labs, I found that my symptoms were linked to a black mold infection.

At this point, I decided that if I wanted to live and prosper, I would have to take my health into my own hands.

I enrolled in the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program and began an intensive study of Functional Medicine alongside Ayurveda.

Total Recovery

After running additional labs, I found so many toxicities and stealth infections that no doctor had ever even considered. Most seriously, I had extremely high levels of mercury from my 12 mercury based fillings! After getting these removed and detoxing my body, I started to feel so much better. My digestion got so much better, no more painful cramps!

Next I moved out of the black mold apartment and began detoxing the mold from my body. This is when my health really began to turn around. My brain started to clear up and I started to feel mental clarity for the first time in years. I started to think about how many years I had spent depressed and sick. How many years I spent alone in agonizing pain. And how little the mainstream medical system cared.

My Mission

Many of my clients share a similar story. They’re people that are struggling with their health and losing hope. My experience has taught me that once you step outside of mainstream medicine, there is a world of hope.  

Today, it’s my mission to use the restorative art of Functional Medicine and Ayurveda to educate and empower people so that they can forgo their health worries and live their best life.

I honestly don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t met Awais. I worked with so many doctors, many of whom called themselves “functional medicine trained” but Awais is the first practitioner that thoroughly listened to my unique history. Now, I no longer have recurring SIBO, have gained 7 pounds of muscle, and a lot more mental clarity. If you’ve worked with holistic doctors and aren’t feeling satisfied, definitely reach out to Awais!

Michael, 29
